this post still about my birthday
i've got some gifts on that day.. from my family, friends, and my student :).. and there was one gift that really touched my heart (actually all the gift made my birthday special, but this one touched my heart deeply)..
and this was it..

i got it from one of my 'mentor' students.. her name is Alda. She used diary letter to wrap the gift, she made it in candy style, and i knew she made it whole-heartedly.. ahhh thank u, girl :) muah..muah..
*balilihan mode on.. btw.. what is 'balilihan' in english yaa??*
and now.. the pen lives happily ever after at my pencil case.. always make me smile when i use it.
hihihi :)
Sunday, 01 November, 2009
i think, the pen (has been, is, will be)the symbol of your generosity, warm smile, kindhearted to your student, ...
balilihan.. hmmm.. euuu abedi..abedi